Dogood Letters
The American Gentleman is dedicated to those men willing to fight for God and Country.
Explore business strategies, economic insights, and financial ideas that advance wealth generation.
A resurrection of Benjamin Franklin's pseudonym, used in the modern day.
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The issue with modern American society is the lack of conversation from opposing sides. The pursuit of objective truth and presentation of ideas can change this country for the better. The American Gentleman pledges to never censor anyone, no matter how extreme the viewpoint. The validity of ideas will be judged by peers. We ask that respect be shown to all members that have earned it. Our ultimate goal is to uplift ourselves and others, so that we may all enjoy the American Dream - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Listen and discuss the latest focus points in American politics.
Confer about sports and entertainment news, including professional & amateur games, shows, music, and betting.
Debate the deeper meanings of life.
Learn about the latest developments in science, technology, history, and the arts.